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The Pereto Principle(80-20 Rule) - write up notes

The 80 20 Rule

The businessman's key for success.

This books is written by Phillp Andrew.

This book is very important for the people who wants to be more productive and successful even if they can't manage time. The technique presented in this book can be used by anyone. In any situation. This principal is used by almost every great business person like, Elon Musk, Bill Gates, etc


The 80 20 Rule Book

The 80 20 Rule is one of the most helpful concepts for life and time management.

Also known as Pareto principal, this rule suggests that the 20 percent of your activities will amount to the 80 percent of your results.
This being the case, you should change your way you set your goals.


This 80 20 Rule was founded by an Italian economist, Vilfredo Pareto, in 1895. He founded that the 20 percent of people count to the 80 percent of country income and 20 percent of income counts to 80 percent of people.
He says the 20 percent of daily activities count to 80 percent of results. These 20 percent of activities may be the toughest but the results of these can be tremendous.
To achieve 80 20 Rule you must first write down your daily activities priority wise and set the most valuable first and 2nd then after. Now do activities according to the list valuable one first.

As mentioned above. This 80 20 Rule can be applied to any situation. Understanding the principal is essential to learn how to prioritize your tasks, days, weeks, and months.
To read the book. Click here


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