Universe - The big bang of past



THE theory of multiple universe

This universe is so big and enormous that its impossible for us to measure its limit. This universe is where u now the life exists, and here only on earth. As  long as we know the life is only existing on this planet.


          Now I know that we all follow the science we love it as its the way to uncover the secrets of nature. Lets revise what we know about the universe.

the cosmos we know

Origin of universe

we know that this universe is formed a long time ago from the big bang that's the largest bang in cosmos that has never been again, thus our universe came into existance, we call it universe becouse we only know about its existance beyound its we dont have any proof of existance. its been said some kind of pure energy was there which gave birth to our baby universe. It seems quit a bit weird so lets understand it differently we know that there are clouds of dust in the space which gives birth to stars the same way somehow was our universe born but this make me question myself that,

if our universe is born from a pure energy then there must be a lot of other universes formed from that b as we have seen how enormous our universe is then how enormous that source of energy could be which gave birth to it.

Existence of a universe is kind of unbelievable for me as stars born and die i think the same way universes born and die as everything follows the common birth and death rule of nature which no one can change the same goes for universes. I am great believer of changes by faith. We believe in what is written there for us but still a prayer changed the lives of lots of people  this according to me is only possible if there is multiple timelines about which I gonna talk about later but know the existence of multiverse is what scientists cant figure out is it even possible but according to the basic laws of nature everything which gives birth has to die and someone else has to take its place. These laws are followed by every thing that exists even the universe.

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